Leadership Transition
Overview and Approach
Olympic Steel saw a change in leadership with a new CEO, Rick Marabito. He set out to build on his predecessor’s legacy to further strengthen the organization’s corporate culture with the right people in the right positions within Olympic Steel. That meant showing valued employees that there was a career path for them within the organization to retain them for the long-term. It also meant successfully recruiting the right talent that would help the company grow and prosper in the future.
We began with focus groups for managers and employees, followed by training for managers. Because managers would be key to changing the corporate culture, we wanted to help them share in the vision and prepare them for true ownership of their role.
Then, for the first time ever, the company rolled out an employee brand campaign to strengthen their employee communication efforts. A strong employee brand speaks volumes to current and potential employees by ensuring you are portraying an image and sending the messages that will attract and retain the best people for your organization.
The “I AM Olympic Steel” branding unites everyone around common values using an authentic voice that resonates throughout the company. The communications campaign, centered around a microsite, weaves together stories from employees’ experiences to demonstrate the value of benefits, career growth potential and the ways Olympic Steel is committed to supporting its current and future employees.